Haha... but that's no fun! I will say that a lot of the Easter eggs are connected to yandere vns I've played, nicknames and names. They're usually connected. Some of them are from Beta testers as well. If you check out my tumblr, I have a couple of them I do talk about as well.
i cant. THE GAME IS AAAAAAAAAAA even tho theres a part where left me in "???" BUT I LOVE THIS GAME AKSJAKSJ from the character, to the ending. I LOVE IT. LITERALLY 10/10
Eris is sooooomg i dont know how to describe it BUT ACKKK *twirl my hair shyly* (Eris is so cool, literally fascinating me by their pov. In both way. I FEEL GOOSEBUMPS)
AND MILO TOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA my cutie patootie, i would love to give an entire world just for him *fly kiss*
im so sorry for my bad English and my comment sounds weird but UEUEUEUEU TT i love you, the one who made this game *spamming love emoji*
(i dont know if this counted as spoiler or not, but i love the last ending after we gather all the 8 ending. IM SORRY BUT ITS SOOOOOOOO wow. I cant think of any words that can describe how i feel about it but its left me in SPEECHLESS. I was like ":0" AT THE ENTIRE OF THE ENDING)
Eris is so fun to write honestly, even if they are like the worst type of person. Really gives off that villain energy.
Milo deserves the world, but I unfortunately will not give it to him. At least on this game, I'm not sure what kinds of possible spinoffs I might want to make.
No worries, thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the game and all of the endings!
Haha, I actually did use ren'py for this game! I don't mind giving more of the technical side of how I did things, just let me know what specifically you're curious about.
I'm also thinking after the update, I'm going to make a post mortum type post where I go in depth on how I did everything and my process (or at least best I can). On my tumblr, I also had a dev log going that I talked about some of my progress as well, if you're interested.
tldr: I love this game too much. I don't like to type too long sentences but please do note I do adore and this game and Milo (Milo is my love). do you have any plans to update? imo the MC isn't my cup of tea I don't like how they sometimes hurt him are there other ways we can get a happy ending also poor ryn(I don't remember his name)
Hi! Thank you! I am planning to update with some extra stories and whatnot in the future.
Understandable. I think Eris is kind of a polarizing main character, so I kind of expected people to like them or hate them. It's just a matter of preference.
Hahaha, ah, sorry, Milo doesn't really get any happy endings in this game. I did give him his beloved picnic date in one of the updates though!
just finished it and i loved it but there were some glitches such as milo started calling me "my pet" and after i picked boyfriend he refered to me as girlfriend (But i fucking love this game)
IT'S SO FUN??? LIKE, I SPENT HALF AN HOUR JUST FINDING THE ESTER EGGS(the perks of spending hours playing yandere visual novels)
So, anyways
I absolutely love the concept of building milo to be obssessed with us, it's a completely different concept! and it's so fun to find every single end.
PLUUUUS it shows different types of obssessions that one can reach!! Also, the mc being completely unhinged is something that I'm obssessed with. like, tf we doin sabotaging ourselves, that's so other level, it even tricked me. I WANNA BE MEAN AND SMART JUST LIKE ERIS!!!
honestly, milo is so cute, even being deadass crazy
i love him sm
I wonder why desmond is still friends w us since he fears us?? is it cuz he don't want us doing anything to his girl or??
and I kinda pity ryan... not fully but kinda. I know he was shit to us and a lot of people, but the endings were BRUTAL to him. that's cool tho. we're merciless lol
I found all 8 endings, but I'm not sure which is the true ending or if there's an extra ending??
but yeah, great game, loved it, will play it again
Thank you?? I'm glad people are going hard on all the Easter Eggs though, I put it in a lot!
I hope so too! (I also put an easter egg for him)
The concept is soo fun and I very rarely see it in yandere media, let alone games, so I wanted to try doing it! Hopefully I was able to do Eris justice on the cool evil MC villain. I too aspire to be cool and mean but maybe they're not the best role model, haha.
Though not really shown in game, Desmond is the type of person who really believes that people can change, so although he might be scared of Eris, he also thinks that they can turn a better leaf. Basically he has the "I can fix them" type of thought process. He has good intentions but he's often blindsided by his beliefs in people to the point of denial.
Ryan has that he's a jerk, but he didn't deserve all THAT kind of energy. At least that's what I was going through.
There is actually a True Ending if you've finished all 8 endings. You can check on the walkthroughs on how to access that. In addition, there are three unique scenes that are hidden on the main menus screen area somewhere. Pay attention to when the cursor changes while looking around!
This game is so good omg. I really love it. It is so hard nowadays to find a good visual (yandere!) novel. This one is placed in my personal top on the highest position ngl.
I love these easter eggs! With some of that I managed to find, they made me giggle. Also, I love details, style in general.
Idk if it was made on purpose, but cursor is really well made. Usually user put it on the right corner of a game when it is not needed to use mouse actively (bc most of humanity use right hand or idk lol). So then it looks, like eye watching all what is happening in game, beyond in-game reality. I love this.
Endings are gorgeous. When you expect Eris to broke, you see instead how maniac Eris is. Milo in all scenarios is a freak bun, but still we love him (even more with this fact). My personal favs are walls Milo and dollmaker Milo.
And music..... its a total... I cant explain, I adore it. It made the game much more better that it could be. These sound effects, music. Especially one music in perfect Milo ending. I want to eat it, thats how much I love music.
Author, I wish you all the best, luck, happiness, all you ever wanted to have. Want to hug you for all you did with this game. Thanks
Thank you so much! I'm glad that so many people like my game.
Yeah, I tried my best to add a lot of easter eggs! I think it's fun for those who play or know a lot of yanderes. I think I have more name easter eggs than nickname ones, but I'll try to add more in a future update.
I actually had fun making the cursor. I originally had the arrow on the other side but it was weirding me out so I swapped it. I remember looking up a couple of eye style designs to get something that I wanted! I'm glad you like it. I wanted it to kind of represent Eris's two eyes.
Thank you! Eris is a calculating and cruel person and is very rarely surprised at things, which just makes them more scary in the long run. Walls Milo was actually based off of one of my friend's suggestions (she loves wall men) and doll maker I wanted to make pretty spooky.
Thank you! It actually took me quite a long time to find all the music and sfxs that I wanted to use for the game. Like way longer than I thought it would have been, but I'm glad that it payed off at the end!
Thank you and I'm so happy that the game was a good experience for you! I'd gladly receive that hug.
I must say that I´m a very skeptical person when it comes to visual novels, and have been pretty stubborn about the ones i choose. But Perfect Love really threw me off guard lol. Couldn´t find a single flaw in it. To be honest, I liked Desmond the most, judging by the fact that she tried to warn Milo, but both Eris (user) and Milo himself were extremely fascinating and well-written characters! I am one to say that Omori and Gentle Fall were my favourite games.. but this one took their place! I have extrem respect towards the dev, and wondered if it would be the only game you´re going to make? If not, should that be no problem, but I´m really looking forward to play more masterpieces like this one.
Whoa, Omori and Gentle Fall? That's a big honor. Gentle Fall is a pretty nice game and Omori (though I've yet to play it) seems to have a very fun story and art style!
Desmond is actually part of a comic series, First Impression, though he has yet to show up in there yet (he is supposed to come out for the next chapter.) He has a good heart, but unfortunately he's rather stubborn and tends to be naive.
No worries. I am planning to make another game (it's actually the game I was working on before this one) called Alpha's Day Off! It's based off of the world that Valli is from. In the extra stories, you'll also meet two of the characters from that game (one of them is the main character you'll play as). The game is a lot more light hearted and I'm thinking of remaking what I already had since I learned a lot from making this game. Hopefully people will enjoy it!
This was so much fun! My favorite Milo was definitely the charismatic version, but his rugged and violent counterpart had its charm, too. Burning love was my favorite ending, for sure. I kept thinking it'd be fun if he bombed the school during my playthrough (I recently rewatched Heathers, sue me), and then he did! I guess you could say it was...my perfect love?
Thank you! I tried to make both Milos likable to a certain degree while also mixing in some more unfavorable traits. Burning Love is actually based off of Heathers, good eye!
This was awesome!! the sound effects and music were perfect! I do feel **slightly** bad for what's his face... but not bad enough to remember his name or stop playing until I got all endings... I love Milo <3 such a cute little thing I just want to put him in my pocket and keep him close all the time He's such a cutie patootie
Do you know what my favorite game style is? The love, fighting, and writing game combined all the specifications I needed for the perfect game! ≽^•⩊•^≼ I hope you will download parts with a lot of puzzles! When will the second part be released? (∩˃ω˂∩)🎀
Hello! I'm sorry, I don't think this game really has any puzzles in it, but hopefully I am planning for my next game to have them. I'm currently drawing the new sprites for my game, so hopefully the update will come soon.
Hello sorry if i am wasting your time but i want to know if this game going to be released for Android? I think than your game was beatiful and i would like to play
I did think about whether or not I will release it for Android, but I will have to get back to you on it after I finish my update.
From my understanding, Android versions are generally a bit more difficult because you have to move everything around to fit onto an android system. Since my game has a more...phone like aspect ratio, it might be a bit easier than one that is more fit for the computer. Don't quote me on that though. I will look into it, but I won't promise anything.
This was truly bone chilling, first game to make me feel paranoia and it was written so horrifically wonderfully. I do feel bad for Milo though, even though user below me did state he was already obsessed with us, I feel that we morphed him into a version in which we wanted, essentially still manipulating him to get what we want. Clicked 'take everything' for the true ending, was really sad to see how reader broke him down in the end. 🥹 I don't think I'll have to motivation to do on anything for a bit after playing this, that's how well the horror-ish inclusion was. Thank you for making this game, it took me 2+ hours to play all the endings so it must've taken WAY longer for you to make it. <3
Daww, thank you. I did my best to kind of show the unease of what the main character is doing and just how far they're willing to drag Milo down into that pit.
Funny story, while nearing the end of creating my game, someone did ask me how long the routes were and I was like, "No idea, 10 minutes per route?". And now that I'm watching people on youtube sometimes post this game which are like 4 hours, it makes me laugh just how off I was about the length of the game.
I genuanly don't feel bad for Milo. We don't make him that way he is, its shown through the little things. like how we only chose him because he already adored us. The moment we walk away the first time, he looks at us with obsession. He was already those people, even if we had never even got Ryan to bully him, it feels like he still would have become the insane person he is. Edit: I forgot to include how much I love this game. As someone who is obsessed with yanderes and infactuated with the idea of them, I loved this. I want more things like this, where its a yandere romance but the MC is just as insane.
2nd Edit: I read through some comments and am I weird for choosing Little Bun as my nickname?
What a very interesting take! It is true, Milo does have a lot of yandere tendencies, even before Eris meets him, so it is very likely that no matter who he attached on, his yandere tendencies would only grow, but to what degree, that remains to be seen.
Same, that's why I made this game! I think that this concept should be more explored in yandere media.
No, I think that's an absolutely adorable nickname, haha.
I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH. I love seeing the different versions of Milo and the endings. I finished it all in a single day including both the true endings. I have no regrets. The shortcut I made on my desktop allowed me to choose the different option for the true ending without it deleting my other endings (it did take my saves but ig I don't really need that anymore) So now I just have two versions of the game on my desktop, one reset and one with all the endings. Wish I could have seen his reaction to me saving the game files like some kind of Doki-Doki literature club reference or something but oh well. Also *Spoilers* when Ryan became a jerk in the explosion ending, it immediately took away all the pity I had for him in the other endings. Anyways thank you for creating exactly the kind of game I was looking for. I'm going to obsess over this game for months now <3
also I got the easter eggs for both cat milo and original milo but when I saw the easter egg for dog milo I didn't know you could click on it so i missed it :((
Very dedicated! If I knew how to code in the reactions to save files, I think it would have tried to do it, because that does sound very fun. I was planning to have something if you moved your saves before it was all deleted and you placed it back into the game, but I still have to fiddle around with it.
Ryan, you were home free, just couldn't help but get a few kicks in. Thank you for enjoying it. As for the easter eggs, you can still access Violence/Dog Milo if you go on his route and then return to the main menu. You just have to wait until you see his Violence Sprite.
I believe in you and your coding abilities! You got this!! I’m not sure if Milo would be amused or upset at us getting our files back because he seemed pretty upset at us before the reset…
THIS GAME WAS SO GOOD?? It's difficult for me to find Yandere themed VNs that I personally like, since my taste is really picky, so playing this game really amazed me in the way it was a unique thing. I Also pretty much enjoyed the artsyle, since that also adds onto it's uniqueness (I can't describe what I actually mean since I'm natively speaking German </33). The length in game and story really made me enjoy the time I was playing it through, it got me curious if other games were planned since I feel like they will be more than amazing as well. :3 I Was sad when finding out there was no content or edits of this on tiktok or pinterest. (might just make a fan account myself then...)
Sorry for such long text btw, I just cant get over the fact of how good this game is :,>
Oh?? Thank you so much! I'm glad you like the artstyle for this game because I made it specifically for this one (and because it was originally for a game jam and I was like, mm, yeah having full colored game sounds awful to try to cram everything in).
The next game I'm planning on releasing was actually a game that I was working on before this game, which is called Alpha's Day Off! The tone is far more light hearted than this one and more funny too, so I'm not sure if the fans of this game will vibe with the new game. I guess we'll see.
If you do make an edits let me know, I want to see them.
Thank you! Wall ending is actually based off of one of my friend's favorite type of yanderes and the burning one is based off of Heathers. If you are still having a difficult time getting the other endings, I do have a guide you can look at.
this is probably the best visual novel I've seen in a good while. I played through all the endings twice (mainly to get both true endings) and goly its SO GOOD. The art is scrumptious too
OH EM GOSH!!! I positively ADORED this game! like all of the little details are so crazy cool.
Before I go into a rant about how cool this game is, small spoiler warning.
Okay, the way you went out of your way to add cat sound affects when you went down the party routes and dog sound affects when you went down the batting cage routes is so wonderfully vivid and it was such a fun thing to notice on my first playthrough.
The messy, frantic artsyle of the entire game adds so much to the experience and the amount of art youve managed to pack in there is super impressive. Plus all of it has this grand amount of espressiveness to it that really makes the game come to life! One of my personal favorite details was the way that Milo flicks his earing while talking in the party route, it adds such a layer of personality to him.
This detail took me a second to notice but I found it SO cool is how you change the background of each characters nametag to symbolize who they are as a person or their role in the game, and for Milo, how his name tag changes throughout the game to symbolize his change. Its especially cool how every nametag image is an eye motif. My personal favorite was Valli's, i love the stroking lines and rigid nature of it, which seems to reflect her outwardly brash personality. Correct me if im wronng but the middle arms or tendrils or whatever of it almost look like their holding drum sticks (not the food but the instrument kind just to clarify).
Desmonds is cool because it showcases how he sees whats going on, but isnt entirely active in whats happening. A weary observer.
And as for Seph, we dont see much of him in the game so I honestly dont really know but I do know it looks super cool with the little markings around it.
And Milos, the squinted eye slowly opening into an eye that looks down, as if meeting Eris' gaze, in the party route, or up, as if blindly following Eris, in the batting cage route? yet again SO COOL!!!
Additionally, I loved the development with Ryans story and backstory, and how to find out all of the details of Ryans story (and Eris' part in it) you have to play through pretty much all of the routes. It made each new route played feel all that more gratifying!
This is a smaller one, but how the MC's og name is Eris, after the goddess of strife and discord, was also such a cool detail.
Plus the loading and save screens changing depending on which route/part of the game youre on? AMAZING.
I know ive probably gushed a bit too much in this review, but the long and short of it is that you did a killer job with this game and id reccomend it to any and everyone. The amount of work and detail youve put into it, along with the fun gameplay and wicked story line make for a truly unique and enjoyable game. I hope to see more works of yours in the future!
Whoa, thank you so much for this long review! I love reading reviews for my game, it's so much fun.
Yeah, the effects were something I did kind of impromptu while I was adding in the different sfx since I thought it would be a good way to foreshadow what kind of person Milo ends up being depending on what route you take. I (tried to) slowly mix it before they became their new version so you can kind of feel the progression of what they're turning into.
For the expressions (I guess, specifically for the sprites), it was my first time using layered image, but the process is very similar to a type of game modding I like to do, so I kind of went overboard on the expressions. Pretty much every line has a slight expression change for the sprite that you're viewing, which now that I think about it, is kind of insane. But I've always been a big fan of adding in small details like that in games. I wanted to give each version of Milo a specific habit that they might do, like with Pre Milo he hops like a bunny (or binkying, as I've heard) when he's happy, and certain sounds that the Milos make are associated with their mood and whatnot. I'm glad that my previous modding experience let me add in all these things naturally.
Ooh, I'm glad you noticed the name tags! For Valli, I was actually going more for the circuits that a USB or computer has to associate her more with her tech side since we don't really see too much of it in the scene that she's in.
I like your interpretation on Desmond's! I actually don't quite remember what I was going for there... Probably something associated with his anger since he actually has really bad anger issues he deals with.
For Seph, he's supposed to be in a (possible) future game where he (and two other love interests) get lost in a forest with a giant ancient sadistic being that's trying to get out. You are that giant ancient sadistic being. His nametag was an idea of the kinds of symbols that are associated with more ancient drawings you might see. Since there's three different forms I wanted to try out for the MC of that game, I wanted to make it a bit vague. There is some extra lines for him if you use either Cryptic, Abyss or Primal as the MC's name.
Yup!! You totally got it. It also mimics the eyeshapes that the Milos have when turning into their other forms. Easter egg, Ryan and Poison (that's the fighter you see in Violence's route) have the same name tag as the MC. This is because they are both aware and part of the plan of what the MC is trying to make Milo into. You'll also notice that they have an eye design somewhere on them, which is wide open, fully aware of what the MC is doing and powerless to stop them. The two Milos also have eye motifs on their designs but they are never open fully.
Ooh, that's great! I am planning to have an extra story involving Eris and Ryan's past, specifically what Eris has on the USB that is so incriminating. Hopefully that will be something fun to look forward to.
Thank you! I think Eris suits them as a good default name and I'm really glad that you enjoyed the details! Makes putting them in worth it.
Daww, you recommend it to people! That's so cool- I'm always shocked when people recommend my game to others. My next game will be a lot more light hearted, based of characters in Valli's world, called Alpha's Day Off! It's actually the game I was working on before this one. I'm not sure if the people who like this game will enjoy that one, but I hope you'll stick around and try it out.
This was such a beautifully made game, as someone who is super gentle it hurt me to be so cruel to Milo AAA. But having those feelings evoked is what makes this game so amazing, it truly is well made in every shape of form and you should be so proud of yourself for making such an awesome game filled with well written characters with lovely designs and one of the best plotlines/storylines I have ever had the blessing to experience! AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT EVERYTHING IS SO DETAILED ITS INSANE, FROM THE SAVES/OVERWRITING SAVES TO THE TOP OF THE SAVE/LOAD SCREEN YOU SEE HIS CHARACTER IN DIFFERENT ROUTES CHANGE AND SO FORTH!
Also Milo has got to be my ultimate favourite character of the year now, he is truly so adorable, whether he is violent, manipulative or his original self, every bit of his character and their endings were all super interesting and once again beautiful <33!
Thank you for this wonderful game! It holds dear in my heart now <333!
Ohh! Thank you! Yes, hurting Milo is always a sad thing, but it had to be done to unlock his full potential (at least, Eris thinks so). Thank you so much!! I'm really happy that you enjoy that detail in there.
Heck yeah! I'm happy that you like him so much- all of his versions!
I. Fucking. Love. This. Game. I am OBSESSED, I have to have played it through like 12 times by now OML. Milo is the best <3 You're so talented, this game is so good!!!
I didn't realize how serious the game got and used the nickname 'little bitch boy' I also didn't know he would call me that as well BUT it was funny in all honesty. It's a great game and I spent an hour and a half playing to get the endings!
Haha, one of my playtesters did something similar and it's always really fun seeing what kind of nicknames people choose, both more cutesy and more funny! Thank you! I'm glad you liked playing it.
i love milo so, so much! i spent so much time trying to find every little easter eggs! great game, i really enjoyed it and milo's character as well hes such a cutie ( i played the whole game twice to have the two options..) ! i noticed a few bugs with the text but i don't know if it was on purpose for the scary side? if not i can tell you where i spotted those bugs!
Thank you! It makes me very happy people are looking for Easter Eggs in my game.
Do tell me what kind of bugs you had with the text. If it's what I think it is, it might be related to the font I chose, but please let me know and I'll try to fix it.
Here is the few bugs i noticed while playing ! : " You're my everything so i can't... " during the rough Milo run, it's a few line after Eris got attacked a second time by the gang member
" Eris! A-Are you alright? What happened? " With rough Milo when you choose the blue eyes after Ryan stole the USB
" Why are you even talking to my girlfriend..." With the sly Milo when choosing blue eyes after Ryan stole the USB
To describe the bug it's just the text that's duplicated, i'm a mac player if it have anything to do with it, hope i helped!
Ahh, thank you. I think the bug you're describing has something to do with the font I used. I think I might have to use a different font for the game to fix that.
vi por acidente no YT desconhecia curti o visual parei logo em 0.1 segundos vim para essa pagina e me chamou a atençao e estou muito empolgado para experimentar, triste por não poder doar nada agora, mas pretendo.
I saw it by accident on YT, I didn't know, I liked the look, I stopped after 0.1 seconds, I came to this page and it caught my attention and I'm very excited to try it, sad that I can't donate anything now, but I intend to.
oh my gosh!!!!! amazing!!! I spent 3 hours doing the normal endings and another hour doing the true ending and finding all the easter eggs to other vns <3 one of the best games ive played in a while and i have played A LOT (I had a whole list up of vns I played when puting names and nicknames in lmao) I love milo sm
3 hours?? That's a long time. I'm so happy you were able to have fun while finding the other Easter Eggs! I've played a lot of vns as well so I tried to put as many as I could in there. I will likely add more during the update as well.
No officer, i am not the person who played all of the 10 endings in one sitting in order to procrastinate from my research study, no sir you're looking at the wrong person.
Oh Milo at the true ending broke me heart :( he tried so hard
Alright guys, we got the wrong person, obviously there was another person procrastinating during research study and playing all 10 endings in one sitting.
this was awesome I LOVE MILO and kinda feel bad for him but oh well love is crazy sometimes, do hope you make more games in the future since this was a banger and the sounds the characters made were pretty adorable (also the music was great)
My next game will be a lot more goofy and more chilled out, and it's based off existing ocs, aka characters from Valli's universe, specifically. I will have a couple of extra stories that relate to them interacting with characters in this universe.
I'm sorry for my poor English,So I have to use translation software to communicate,This is the first time I've ever talked to an author from another country!This is a really good game,I love this game!!!I was really impressed with Milo's characterization and story!!This game deeply touched me! I'll say it again this game is amazing!I also have a question,If I want to draw fan pictures,Can I create a new character to be in love with Milo? Sorry again for my poor English, I don't know how to express it tactfully, I hope this question doesn't offend you!I do not deny that the original image of the protagonist is not good, on the contrary, I really like the madness of the protagonist! But I don't know if the protagonist is an exact image, if you see and answer it, thank you very much!
Whoa! Thank you so much for playing this game, and especially trying to play it in another language! I hope it wasn't too much of a difficult experience or anything! But it does sound like you had a good time!
Yes, of course! I don't mind if you want to draw your own character or even other characters with Milo, in fact, I very much encourage any type of fanart or fancreation! I really like fanart hahaha.
I loved his game so much!!! The music, art, and story were perfect it was so good i just can not. it was way too good this game is my perfect love. also the nickname I chose for me and Milo was girlie pop so i could not hold it together for some scenes.
omg there are so many details in this game, including names, menus, eyes, music and Easter eggs, some of which are not noticed until the second play, I haven't fully found them yet. thank you for this amazing experience!
He's a baby girl and I think the violent one might have swallowed a puppy by accident otherwise I'm not sure how he's making those noises with his mouth.
absolutely DJVIDSVNJIE AMAZING! the detail and attention.. the horror, the gore and all the shit that went down was a rollercoaster but it was so thrilling... i love the twist of the mc being the manipulative one,
I just wanted Milo to be happy.... By the way, I really loved your game! My favorite routes are Milo being manipulative, his personality has become somewhat charming lol
ааа, Здравствуйте!! как человек, борющийся с проблемой недооценённости этой игры (в частности говорю про руфд), просто хотели сказать, что если вдруг вам интересно будет смотреть какой-нибудь контент по игре, то хотим вам рассказать про свой только недавно созданный аккаунт в тт посвещённый perfect love!! там пока не очень много видео, но это только начало продвижения этого шедевра🙏🙏 :) (очень-очень простите за спам(?) (и вы и автор), если вам интересно, тооо юз в тт: @lew_shu2009cmetanka_uwu (НИК РОФЕЛЬНЫЙ ЕСЛИ ЧТО))
Hello there! Unfortunately, I don't know Russian, but if there was someone who does end up translating it, I will for sure add that option inside of the game.
← Return to Love
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plz throw us a bone abt the easter eggs, im dying to know if i got all of em in the name selection
Haha... but that's no fun! I will say that a lot of the Easter eggs are connected to yandere vns I've played, nicknames and names. They're usually connected. Some of them are from Beta testers as well. If you check out my tumblr, I have a couple of them I do talk about as well.
Are you sure you chose the wrong ending? Perhaps it was always meant to be destroyed...
i cant. THE GAME IS AAAAAAAAAAA even tho theres a part where left me in "???" BUT I LOVE THIS GAME AKSJAKSJ from the character, to the ending. I LOVE IT. LITERALLY 10/10
Eris is sooooomg i dont know how to describe it BUT ACKKK *twirl my hair shyly* (Eris is so cool, literally fascinating me by their pov. In both way. I FEEL GOOSEBUMPS)
AND MILO TOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA my cutie patootie, i would love to give an entire world just for him *fly kiss*
im so sorry for my bad English and my comment sounds weird but UEUEUEUEU TT i love you, the one who made this game *spamming love emoji*
(i dont know if this counted as spoiler or not, but i love the last ending after we gather all the 8 ending. IM SORRY BUT ITS SOOOOOOOO wow. I cant think of any words that can describe how i feel about it but its left me in SPEECHLESS. I was like ":0" AT THE ENTIRE OF THE ENDING)
Thank you??! What a reaction!!
Eris is so fun to write honestly, even if they are like the worst type of person. Really gives off that villain energy.
Milo deserves the world, but I unfortunately will not give it to him. At least on this game, I'm not sure what kinds of possible spinoffs I might want to make.
No worries, thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the game and all of the endings!
hii! what engine/platform did you use to create this game? I love the animations and the style of the game!
i’d be in utter shock if you answer ren’py, but am deeply curious because i’d love to learn the technical aspects of this game :)
lovely game, as it has been mentioned by many others, lol
Haha, I actually did use ren'py for this game! I don't mind giving more of the technical side of how I did things, just let me know what specifically you're curious about.
I'm also thinking after the update, I'm going to make a post mortum type post where I go in depth on how I did everything and my process (or at least best I can). On my tumblr, I also had a dev log going that I talked about some of my progress as well, if you're interested.
this game is veeeeeeeeeeeeery cool!!!!! i would really recommend to play it lots of people.. just for entertainment
Heckk yeahh!! I hope the people you recommend it to have fun as well!
tldr: I love this game too much. I don't like to type too long sentences but please do note I do adore and this game and Milo (Milo is my love). do you have any plans to update? imo the MC isn't my cup of tea I don't like how they sometimes hurt him are there other ways we can get a happy ending also poor ryn(I don't remember his name)
Hi! Thank you! I am planning to update with some extra stories and whatnot in the future.
Understandable. I think Eris is kind of a polarizing main character, so I kind of expected people to like them or hate them. It's just a matter of preference.
Hahaha, ah, sorry, Milo doesn't really get any happy endings in this game. I did give him his beloved picnic date in one of the updates though!
well shit this looks amazing
I kinda dislike how milo eyes are sometimes missing his irises but thats a minor dislike
just finished it and i loved it but there were some glitches such as milo started calling me "my pet" and after i picked boyfriend he refered to me as girlfriend (But i fucking love this game)
? Missing his iris? Can you send me a screenshot? As well as the other glitches mentioned. Thank you for playing the game and enjoying it!
IT'S SO FUN??? LIKE, I SPENT HALF AN HOUR JUST FINDING THE ESTER EGGS(the perks of spending hours playing yandere visual novels)
So, anyways
I absolutely love the concept of building milo to be obssessed with us, it's a completely different concept! and it's so fun to find every single end.
PLUUUUS it shows different types of obssessions that one can reach!! Also, the mc being completely unhinged is something that I'm obssessed with. like, tf we doin sabotaging ourselves, that's so other level, it even tricked me. I WANNA BE MEAN AND SMART JUST LIKE ERIS!!!
honestly, milo is so cute, even being deadass crazy
i love him sm
I wonder why desmond is still friends w us since he fears us?? is it cuz he don't want us doing anything to his girl or??
and I kinda pity ryan... not fully but kinda. I know he was shit to us and a lot of people, but the endings were BRUTAL to him. that's cool tho. we're merciless lol
I found all 8 endings, but I'm not sure which is the true ending or if there's an extra ending??
but yeah, great game, loved it, will play it again
Thank you?? I'm glad people are going hard on all the Easter Eggs though, I put it in a lot!
I hope so too! (I also put an easter egg for him)
The concept is soo fun and I very rarely see it in yandere media, let alone games, so I wanted to try doing it! Hopefully I was able to do Eris justice on the cool evil MC villain. I too aspire to be cool and mean but maybe they're not the best role model, haha.
Though not really shown in game, Desmond is the type of person who really believes that people can change, so although he might be scared of Eris, he also thinks that they can turn a better leaf. Basically he has the "I can fix them" type of thought process. He has good intentions but he's often blindsided by his beliefs in people to the point of denial.
Ryan has that he's a jerk, but he didn't deserve all THAT kind of energy. At least that's what I was going through.
There is actually a True Ending if you've finished all 8 endings. You can check on the walkthroughs on how to access that. In addition, there are three unique scenes that are hidden on the main menus screen area somewhere. Pay attention to when the cursor changes while looking around!
This game is so good omg. I really love it. It is so hard nowadays to find a good visual (yandere!) novel. This one is placed in my personal top on the highest position ngl.
I love these easter eggs! With some of that I managed to find, they made me giggle. Also, I love details, style in general.
Idk if it was made on purpose, but cursor is really well made. Usually user put it on the right corner of a game when it is not needed to use mouse actively (bc most of humanity use right hand or idk lol). So then it looks, like eye watching all what is happening in game, beyond in-game reality. I love this.
Endings are gorgeous. When you expect Eris to broke, you see instead how maniac Eris is. Milo in all scenarios is a freak bun, but still we love him (even more with this fact). My personal favs are walls Milo and dollmaker Milo.
And music..... its a total... I cant explain, I adore it. It made the game much more better that it could be. These sound effects, music. Especially one music in perfect Milo ending. I want to eat it, thats how much I love music.
Author, I wish you all the best, luck, happiness, all you ever wanted to have. Want to hug you for all you did with this game. Thanks
Thank you so much! I'm glad that so many people like my game.
Yeah, I tried my best to add a lot of easter eggs! I think it's fun for those who play or know a lot of yanderes. I think I have more name easter eggs than nickname ones, but I'll try to add more in a future update.
I actually had fun making the cursor. I originally had the arrow on the other side but it was weirding me out so I swapped it. I remember looking up a couple of eye style designs to get something that I wanted! I'm glad you like it. I wanted it to kind of represent Eris's two eyes.
Thank you! Eris is a calculating and cruel person and is very rarely surprised at things, which just makes them more scary in the long run. Walls Milo was actually based off of one of my friend's suggestions (she loves wall men) and doll maker I wanted to make pretty spooky.
Thank you! It actually took me quite a long time to find all the music and sfxs that I wanted to use for the game. Like way longer than I thought it would have been, but I'm glad that it payed off at the end!
Thank you and I'm so happy that the game was a good experience for you! I'd gladly receive that hug.
I must say that I´m a very skeptical person when it comes to visual novels, and have been pretty stubborn about the ones i choose. But Perfect Love really threw me off guard lol. Couldn´t find a single flaw in it. To be honest, I liked Desmond the most, judging by the fact that she tried to warn Milo, but both Eris (user) and Milo himself were extremely fascinating and well-written characters! I am one to say that Omori and Gentle Fall were my favourite games.. but this one took their place! I have extrem respect towards the dev, and wondered if it would be the only game you´re going to make? If not, should that be no problem, but I´m really looking forward to play more masterpieces like this one.
Whoa, Omori and Gentle Fall? That's a big honor. Gentle Fall is a pretty nice game and Omori (though I've yet to play it) seems to have a very fun story and art style!
Desmond is actually part of a comic series, First Impression, though he has yet to show up in there yet (he is supposed to come out for the next chapter.) He has a good heart, but unfortunately he's rather stubborn and tends to be naive.
No worries. I am planning to make another game (it's actually the game I was working on before this one) called Alpha's Day Off! It's based off of the world that Valli is from. In the extra stories, you'll also meet two of the characters from that game (one of them is the main character you'll play as). The game is a lot more light hearted and I'm thinking of remaking what I already had since I learned a lot from making this game. Hopefully people will enjoy it!
This was so much fun! My favorite Milo was definitely the charismatic version, but his rugged and violent counterpart had its charm, too. Burning love was my favorite ending, for sure. I kept thinking it'd be fun if he bombed the school during my playthrough (I recently rewatched Heathers, sue me), and then he did! I guess you could say it was...my perfect love?
Thank you! I tried to make both Milos likable to a certain degree while also mixing in some more unfavorable traits. Burning Love is actually based off of Heathers, good eye!
This was awesome!! the sound effects and music were perfect! I do feel **slightly** bad for what's his face... but not bad enough to remember his name or stop playing until I got all endings... I love Milo <3 such a cute little thing
I just want to put him in my pocket and keep him close all the timeHe's such a cutie patootie
Thank you! Milo is a cutie. I've been working on shimejis for him actually, so hopefully you can have him running around on the desktop soon enough.
Do you know what my favorite game style is? The love, fighting, and writing game combined all the specifications I needed for the perfect game! ≽^•⩊•^≼ I hope you will download parts with a lot of puzzles! When will the second part be released? (∩˃ω˂∩)🎀
Hello! I'm sorry, I don't think this game really has any puzzles in it, but hopefully I am planning for my next game to have them. I'm currently drawing the new sprites for my game, so hopefully the update will come soon.
I'm trying to learn English so excuse my bad English.
Anyway, it's really nice to love the game.
Thank you! I appreciate it a lot.
Hello sorry if i am wasting your time but i want to know if this game going to be released for Android? I think than your game was beatiful and i would like to play
I did think about whether or not I will release it for Android, but I will have to get back to you on it after I finish my update.
From my understanding, Android versions are generally a bit more difficult because you have to move everything around to fit onto an android system. Since my game has a more...phone like aspect ratio, it might be a bit easier than one that is more fit for the computer. Don't quote me on that though. I will look into it, but I won't promise anything.
okay thanks for the aswer and sorry for if i as rude or somenthig
This was truly bone chilling, first game to make me feel paranoia and it was written so horrifically wonderfully. I do feel bad for Milo though, even though user below me did state he was already obsessed with us, I feel that we morphed him into a version in which we wanted, essentially still manipulating him to get what we want. Clicked 'take everything' for the true ending, was really sad to see how reader broke him down in the end. 🥹 I don't think I'll have to motivation to do on anything for a bit after playing this, that's how well the horror-ish inclusion was. Thank you for making this game, it took me 2+ hours to play all the endings so it must've taken WAY longer for you to make it. <3
Daww, thank you. I did my best to kind of show the unease of what the main character is doing and just how far they're willing to drag Milo down into that pit.
Funny story, while nearing the end of creating my game, someone did ask me how long the routes were and I was like, "No idea, 10 minutes per route?". And now that I'm watching people on youtube sometimes post this game which are like 4 hours, it makes me laugh just how off I was about the length of the game.
I genuanly don't feel bad for Milo. We don't make him that way he is, its shown through the little things. like how we only chose him because he already adored us. The moment we walk away the first time, he looks at us with obsession. He was already those people, even if we had never even got Ryan to bully him, it feels like he still would have become the insane person he is. Edit: I forgot to include how much I love this game. As someone who is obsessed with yanderes and infactuated with the idea of them, I loved this. I want more things like this, where its a yandere romance but the MC is just as insane.
2nd Edit: I read through some comments and am I weird for choosing Little Bun as my nickname?
What a very interesting take! It is true, Milo does have a lot of yandere tendencies, even before Eris meets him, so it is very likely that no matter who he attached on, his yandere tendencies would only grow, but to what degree, that remains to be seen.
Same, that's why I made this game! I think that this concept should be more explored in yandere media.
No, I think that's an absolutely adorable nickname, haha.
I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH. I love seeing the different versions of Milo and the endings. I finished it all in a single day including both the true endings. I have no regrets. The shortcut I made on my desktop allowed me to choose the different option for the true ending without it deleting my other endings (it did take my saves but ig I don't really need that anymore) So now I just have two versions of the game on my desktop, one reset and one with all the endings. Wish I could have seen his reaction to me saving the game files like some kind of Doki-Doki literature club reference or something but oh well. Also *Spoilers* when Ryan became a jerk in the explosion ending, it immediately took away all the pity I had for him in the other endings. Anyways thank you for creating exactly the kind of game I was looking for. I'm going to obsess over this game for months now <3
also I got the easter eggs for both cat milo and original milo but when I saw the easter egg for dog milo I didn't know you could click on it so i missed it :((
Very dedicated! If I knew how to code in the reactions to save files, I think it would have tried to do it, because that does sound very fun. I was planning to have something if you moved your saves before it was all deleted and you placed it back into the game, but I still have to fiddle around with it.
Ryan, you were home free, just couldn't help but get a few kicks in. Thank you for enjoying it. As for the easter eggs, you can still access Violence/Dog Milo if you go on his route and then return to the main menu. You just have to wait until you see his Violence Sprite.
yeah I’ll get it eventually
I believe in you and your coding abilities! You got this!! I’m not sure if Milo would be amused or upset at us getting our files back because he seemed pretty upset at us before the reset…
It's difficult for me to find Yandere themed VNs that I personally like, since my taste is really picky, so playing this game really amazed me in the way it was a unique thing. I Also pretty much enjoyed the artsyle, since that also adds onto it's uniqueness (I can't describe what I actually mean since I'm natively speaking German </33). The length in game and story really made me enjoy the time I was playing it through, it got me curious if other games were planned since I feel like they will be more than amazing as well. :3 I Was sad when finding out there was no content or edits of this on tiktok or pinterest.
(might just make a fan account myself then...)Sorry for such long text btw, I just cant get over the fact of how good this game is :,>
Oh?? Thank you so much! I'm glad you like the artstyle for this game because I made it specifically for this one (and because it was originally for a game jam and I was like, mm, yeah having full colored game sounds awful to try to cram everything in).
The next game I'm planning on releasing was actually a game that I was working on before this game, which is called Alpha's Day Off! The tone is far more light hearted than this one and more funny too, so I'm not sure if the fans of this game will vibe with the new game. I guess we'll see.
If you do make an edits let me know, I want to see them.
Omg the vn was so awesome it's hard to believe it's an indie game.
Spoiler I loved the wall ending and burning down the building one, idk how to get the wedding ending lol :p
Thank you! Wall ending is actually based off of one of my friend's favorite type of yanderes and the burning one is based off of Heathers. If you are still having a difficult time getting the other endings, I do have a guide you can look at.
I love you back! And Milo too!
this is probably the best visual novel I've seen in a good while. I played through all the endings twice (mainly to get both true endings) and goly its SO GOOD. The art is scrumptious too
Woah! Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
OH EM GOSH!!! I positively ADORED this game! like all of the little details are so crazy cool.
Before I go into a rant about how cool this game is, small spoiler warning.
Okay, the way you went out of your way to add cat sound affects when you went down the party routes and dog sound affects when you went down the batting cage routes is so wonderfully vivid and it was such a fun thing to notice on my first playthrough.
The messy, frantic artsyle of the entire game adds so much to the experience and the amount of art youve managed to pack in there is super impressive. Plus all of it has this grand amount of espressiveness to it that really makes the game come to life! One of my personal favorite details was the way that Milo flicks his earing while talking in the party route, it adds such a layer of personality to him.
This detail took me a second to notice but I found it SO cool is how you change the background of each characters nametag to symbolize who they are as a person or their role in the game, and for Milo, how his name tag changes throughout the game to symbolize his change. Its especially cool how every nametag image is an eye motif. My personal favorite was Valli's, i love the stroking lines and rigid nature of it, which seems to reflect her outwardly brash personality. Correct me if im wronng but the middle arms or tendrils or whatever of it almost look like their holding drum sticks (not the food but the instrument kind just to clarify).
Desmonds is cool because it showcases how he sees whats going on, but isnt entirely active in whats happening. A weary observer.
And as for Seph, we dont see much of him in the game so I honestly dont really know but I do know it looks super cool with the little markings around it.
And Milos, the squinted eye slowly opening into an eye that looks down, as if meeting Eris' gaze, in the party route, or up, as if blindly following Eris, in the batting cage route? yet again SO COOL!!!
Additionally, I loved the development with Ryans story and backstory, and how to find out all of the details of Ryans story (and Eris' part in it) you have to play through pretty much all of the routes. It made each new route played feel all that more gratifying!
This is a smaller one, but how the MC's og name is Eris, after the goddess of strife and discord, was also such a cool detail.
Plus the loading and save screens changing depending on which route/part of the game youre on? AMAZING.
I know ive probably gushed a bit too much in this review, but the long and short of it is that you did a killer job with this game and id reccomend it to any and everyone. The amount of work and detail youve put into it, along with the fun gameplay and wicked story line make for a truly unique and enjoyable game. I hope to see more works of yours in the future!
Whoa, thank you so much for this long review! I love reading reviews for my game, it's so much fun.
Yeah, the effects were something I did kind of impromptu while I was adding in the different sfx since I thought it would be a good way to foreshadow what kind of person Milo ends up being depending on what route you take. I (tried to) slowly mix it before they became their new version so you can kind of feel the progression of what they're turning into.
For the expressions (I guess, specifically for the sprites), it was my first time using layered image, but the process is very similar to a type of game modding I like to do, so I kind of went overboard on the expressions. Pretty much every line has a slight expression change for the sprite that you're viewing, which now that I think about it, is kind of insane. But I've always been a big fan of adding in small details like that in games. I wanted to give each version of Milo a specific habit that they might do, like with Pre Milo he hops like a bunny (or binkying, as I've heard) when he's happy, and certain sounds that the Milos make are associated with their mood and whatnot. I'm glad that my previous modding experience let me add in all these things naturally.
Ooh, I'm glad you noticed the name tags! For Valli, I was actually going more for the circuits that a USB or computer has to associate her more with her tech side since we don't really see too much of it in the scene that she's in.
I like your interpretation on Desmond's! I actually don't quite remember what I was going for there... Probably something associated with his anger since he actually has really bad anger issues he deals with.
For Seph, he's supposed to be in a (possible) future game where he (and two other love interests) get lost in a forest with a giant ancient sadistic being that's trying to get out. You are that giant ancient sadistic being. His nametag was an idea of the kinds of symbols that are associated with more ancient drawings you might see. Since there's three different forms I wanted to try out for the MC of that game, I wanted to make it a bit vague. There is some extra lines for him if you use either Cryptic, Abyss or Primal as the MC's name.
Yup!! You totally got it. It also mimics the eyeshapes that the Milos have when turning into their other forms. Easter egg, Ryan and Poison (that's the fighter you see in Violence's route) have the same name tag as the MC. This is because they are both aware and part of the plan of what the MC is trying to make Milo into. You'll also notice that they have an eye design somewhere on them, which is wide open, fully aware of what the MC is doing and powerless to stop them. The two Milos also have eye motifs on their designs but they are never open fully.
Ooh, that's great! I am planning to have an extra story involving Eris and Ryan's past, specifically what Eris has on the USB that is so incriminating. Hopefully that will be something fun to look forward to.
Thank you! I think Eris suits them as a good default name and I'm really glad that you enjoyed the details! Makes putting them in worth it.
Daww, you recommend it to people! That's so cool- I'm always shocked when people recommend my game to others. My next game will be a lot more light hearted, based of characters in Valli's world, called Alpha's Day Off! It's actually the game I was working on before this one. I'm not sure if the people who like this game will enjoy that one, but I hope you'll stick around and try it out.
This was such a beautifully made game, as someone who is super gentle it hurt me to be so cruel to Milo AAA. But having those feelings evoked is what makes this game so amazing, it truly is well made in every shape of form and you should be so proud of yourself for making such an awesome game filled with well written characters with lovely designs and one of the best plotlines/storylines I have ever had the blessing to experience! AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT EVERYTHING IS SO DETAILED ITS INSANE, FROM THE SAVES/OVERWRITING SAVES TO THE TOP OF THE SAVE/LOAD SCREEN YOU SEE HIS CHARACTER IN DIFFERENT ROUTES CHANGE AND SO FORTH!
Also Milo has got to be my ultimate favourite character of the year now, he is truly so adorable, whether he is violent, manipulative or his original self, every bit of his character and their endings were all super interesting and once again beautiful <33!
Thank you for this wonderful game! It holds dear in my heart now <333!
Ohh! Thank you! Yes, hurting Milo is always a sad thing, but it had to be done to unlock his full potential (at least, Eris thinks so). Thank you so much!! I'm really happy that you enjoy that detail in there.
Heck yeah! I'm happy that you like him so much- all of his versions!
I. Fucking. Love. This. Game.
I am OBSESSED, I have to have played it through like 12 times by now OML. Milo is the best <3 You're so talented, this game is so good!!!
12?! That's a lot of times, I'm sure Milo is so very happy that you wanted to spend so much time with him.
Thank you! This is my first (released) renpy game, so I'm really happy that you enjoyed it so much!
I didn't realize how serious the game got and used the nickname 'little bitch boy' I also didn't know he would call me that as well BUT it was funny in all honesty. It's a great game and I spent an hour and a half playing to get the endings!
Haha, one of my playtesters did something similar and it's always really fun seeing what kind of nicknames people choose, both more cutesy and more funny! Thank you! I'm glad you liked playing it.
i love milo so, so much! i spent so much time trying to find every little easter eggs! great game, i really enjoyed it and milo's character as well hes such a cutie ( i played the whole game twice to have the two options..) ! i noticed a few bugs with the text but i don't know if it was on purpose for the scary side? if not i can tell you where i spotted those bugs!
Thank you! It makes me very happy people are looking for Easter Eggs in my game.
Do tell me what kind of bugs you had with the text. If it's what I think it is, it might be related to the font I chose, but please let me know and I'll try to fix it.
Here is the few bugs i noticed while playing ! : " You're my everything so i can't... " during the rough Milo run, it's a few line after Eris got attacked a second time by the gang member
" Eris! A-Are you alright? What happened? " With rough Milo when you choose the blue eyes after Ryan stole the USB
" Why are you even talking to my girlfriend..." With the sly Milo when choosing blue eyes after Ryan stole the USB
To describe the bug it's just the text that's duplicated, i'm a mac player if it have anything to do with it, hope i helped!
Ahh, thank you. I think the bug you're describing has something to do with the font I used. I think I might have to use a different font for the game to fix that.
Ohh!! Thank you so much!! I can't wait to watch it.
vi por acidente no YT desconhecia curti o visual parei logo em 0.1 segundos vim para essa pagina e me chamou a atençao e estou muito empolgado para experimentar, triste por não poder doar nada agora, mas pretendo.
I saw it by accident on YT, I didn't know, I liked the look, I stopped after 0.1 seconds, I came to this page and it caught my attention and I'm very excited to try it, sad that I can't donate anything now, but I intend to.
Ohh, thank you very much! I hope you enjoy playing the game though and decide if it's worth donating to haha.
oh my gosh!!!!! amazing!!! I spent 3 hours doing the normal endings and another hour doing the true ending and finding all the easter eggs to other vns <3 one of the best games ive played in a while and i have played A LOT (I had a whole list up of vns I played when puting names and nicknames in lmao) I love milo sm
3 hours?? That's a long time. I'm so happy you were able to have fun while finding the other Easter Eggs! I've played a lot of vns as well so I tried to put as many as I could in there. I will likely add more during the update as well.
THIS IS FUCKED UP. and ily for that
Good, all according to keikaku.
how do i get the true ending??
Check in the walkthroughs, it should be the last part.
wait, am i allowed to say it in the comments?
Alright guys, we got the wrong person, obviously there was another person procrastinating during research study and playing all 10 endings in one sitting.
He really, really did.
this was awesome I LOVE MILO and kinda feel bad for him but oh well love is crazy sometimes, do hope you make more games in the future since this was a banger and the sounds the characters made were pretty adorable (also the music was great)
Haha, thank you very much!
My next game will be a lot more goofy and more chilled out, and it's based off existing ocs, aka characters from Valli's universe, specifically. I will have a couple of extra stories that relate to them interacting with characters in this universe.
I'm sorry for my poor English,So I have to use translation software to communicate,This is the first time I've ever talked to an author from another country!This is a really good game,I love this game!!!I was really impressed with Milo's characterization and story!!This game deeply touched me! I'll say it again this game is amazing!I also have a question,If I want to draw fan pictures,Can I create a new character to be in love with Milo? Sorry again for my poor English, I don't know how to express it tactfully, I hope this question doesn't offend you!I do not deny that the original image of the protagonist is not good, on the contrary, I really like the madness of the protagonist! But I don't know if the protagonist is an exact image, if you see and answer it, thank you very much!
Whoa! Thank you so much for playing this game, and especially trying to play it in another language! I hope it wasn't too much of a difficult experience or anything! But it does sound like you had a good time!
Yes, of course! I don't mind if you want to draw your own character or even other characters with Milo, in fact, I very much encourage any type of fanart or fancreation! I really like fanart hahaha.
I loved his game so much!!! The music, art, and story were perfect it was so good i just can not. it was way too good this game is my perfect love. also the nickname I chose for me and Milo was girlie pop so i could not hold it together for some scenes.
Haha, girlie pop, that's a good nickname. I'm glad you liked it!!!
omg there are so many details in this game, including names, menus, eyes, music and Easter eggs, some of which are not noticed until the second play, I haven't fully found them yet. thank you for this amazing experience!
Thank you for playing it! I'm really glad you noticed all the details I was able to put in, haha.
Awww Milo sounds like a puppy
He's a baby girl and I think the violent one might have swallowed a puppy by accident otherwise I'm not sure how he's making those noises with his mouth.
absolutely DJVIDSVNJIE AMAZING! the detail and attention.. the horror, the gore and all the shit that went down was a rollercoaster but it was so thrilling... i love the twist of the mc being the manipulative one,
defo would play again <3
Ohh?? The horror! The tragedy. I love a good manipulative mc too, it's very fun. Thank you!
I just wanted Milo to be happy.... By the way, I really loved your game! My favorite routes are Milo being manipulative, his personality has become somewhat charming lol
Oh man, sorry I for some reason missed replying to this.
Thank you! Manipulation is pretty fun. I imagine him like one of those car salesmen you can't say no to.
will there be a translation into Russian?
ааа, Здравствуйте!! как человек, борющийся с проблемой недооценённости этой игры (в частности говорю про руфд), просто хотели сказать, что если вдруг вам интересно будет смотреть какой-нибудь контент по игре, то хотим вам рассказать про свой только недавно созданный аккаунт в тт посвещённый perfect love!! там пока не очень много видео, но это только начало продвижения этого шедевра🙏🙏 :) (очень-очень простите за спам(?) (и вы и автор), если вам интересно, тооо юз в тт: @lew_shu2009cmetanka_uwu (НИК РОФЕЛЬНЫЙ ЕСЛИ ЧТО))
я бы с радостью , но у меня старый тикток
я плачу
Hello there! Unfortunately, I don't know Russian, but if there was someone who does end up translating it, I will for sure add that option inside of the game.