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My jaw dropped when I read "Split Path" I live in Croatia and I've rested in Split a lot of times ago. I went for the violent ending first and then stalking Ryan as it felt the closest to how I've been manipulated in the past I've been more physiology manipulated but people used me for violence as I am tall, strong have a blunt personality and was quite possessive with the people I love. Honestly, I had chills down my spine because of the stalking because I'm pretty sure I'm being stalked in real life.  I was too scared to click to get rid of them because I experienced the low point where my friend before isolated me from my other friends. After all, they wanted to be my best friend. I clicked it anyway though. I got the perfect killer end. I felt as if I was about to cry honestly. But I determined I was going to push on and get the rest of the endings as it's just 9:47 pm! I'm crying from the "a perfect house husband end" The character design of the m/c looks way too similar to me and I can just imagine myself being hit over and over and just Milo standing on my glasses and breaking them into chunks or rather said shattering them into a million pieces. I got the perfect love beyond the walls end. Honestly, I'm too tired to get any other ending so I'll get the others tomorrow tracking I have 3/8 endings. If needed I'm gonna mess with the code to get the ending because I am quite lazy today!


Oh, haha. What a happy coincidence Split Path is haha. Oh my, I hope that the manipulation in the past wasn't really bad, and being stalked as well, I hope you're alright. Thank you for enjoying my game!


this game = perfection. x3
im not rlly a kind of person who likes yandere type of stuff but I recently started watching a show on Netflix called "you" and its amazing (I recommend loads!) so I looked around for a game such as this! it was sosososososossososossososososososoSO amazing and I rlly cannot explain how much I LOVE milo :3 my fav is manipulator/cat milo he's js so perfect!!!1!1!!!!1
i totally recommend this game if ur thinking abt it!


Thank you! I actually did heard of "You", but I haven't watched it before. I'm really happy that you like it so much! Cat milo is pretty cute haha. 

sorry i didnt see ur comment!! damn its been 8 months... anyway..

i REALLY love the show so I like mentioned recommend it! i haven't found more game like this unfortunately so ur rlly one of a kind, I've been thinking of replaying hehe


omg i love that TV show!! im gonna play the game today :-)

i hope u liked the game! it was rlly kewl IMO :3

A guard dog or a deceitful cat, oh Milo reminds me of someone.

Indeed. Who does he remind you of?

reminds me of an ex-friend of 8 years with the mindset "youre the only one i have so dont talk to anyone else". Havent seen her in years. Oh and i love you and your game

Interesting, though it doesn't sound like the best relationship. Thank you for your compliment!

I LOVE MILO!!! he is my new fav charater of all times the game was so fun! for me it was abit short though for all ending like a 1-3 hours or skmething cant remember!

Woo! I'm glad you like it!


I don't know if my original comment is still around here but i LOVE this game so much!! It took nearly 5 hours to record and nearly a week to edit but I enjoyed EVERY moment! This game is truly something special and I almost missed it completely! 

(mild spoiler)

I adore the ending, tragic as it is, I kind of don't think a happier ending would suit the MC, every part is PERFECT as it is!! Thank you for making such an amazing game!!


This game is great! I'm finishing the rest of the routes soon, its a lot of fun to see Milo go insane in different ways

OMG KASPER!!!! Your playthrough of it was so fun! you made me get the game!!

glad u like my playthrough and the game!

Thank you so much! I love your vtuber model they look very cozy.

thank you!!


can we have like a spin off where he got absolutely adored as he deserves? ;-;  my heart hurt the whole game to see him got throw over and over again like...I want to give him lots of hugs and all.. 

MC is scary tbh..but how can I stop when Milo is only here.. I love yandere and it's like a dream come true if you know what I mean..but.. how can I? he look so adorable!! and his characteristics is so fluffy 

Ahahaha, probably not. Milo was kind of made to suffer. 

It's true, Milo is very cute. I wanted to try to make his someone that you do feel bad about manipulating. He deserves the headpats. 


I'm sorry that I didn't ask you before doing this but...

I absolutely adore them so much!

Oh!! These are so cute!!

(8 edits)

i made an account just to comment because i genuinely LOVE this game, i barely found out about it like 5 days ago and i already got all of the endings in a short time

i really love the story and everything about this game, and milo has officially become another of my favourite characters, i love him SOOO much

 i adore how he looks when he has heart pupils but his other expressions are also as cute! and my gallery is full of photos of milo now :3

in general, i absolutely love everything about this game, the story is just perfect, i think its pretty original since the mc is worse than the yandere, normally its the other way around

but still, i think this game's amazing, fantastic, awesome, cool, beautiful and wonderful!!! i absolutely love the artstyle and it fits ALOT to this game in my opinion (i will never get tired of this game)

i also feel rly bad for milo while seeing how the mc treats them, he doesnt deserve that ;( he deserves all the hugs in the world!! i suffered seeing him get treated like that aa

and last thing, theres not enough content of himmm, and it hurts, the fact that its pretty unknown, i search milo up anywhere and i barely get anything D:

I LOVE MILO!!! >:3


OMGosh!!! I'm still working on the video but I have to say that this is already one of my favorite VNs! I'm blown away by the amount of detail and the whole beautifully chaotic nature of the art! Like the detail of Milo getting little accessories as the story progresses and even a whole different look depending on the path. All the little dog/cat sounds are so cute with a huge variety, not just the same few sounds over and over (kitty Milo is my fav). I loved all the little sounds added to the choices and even the sounds added to the endings, just so much detail and work was put into this!!

I love how insane the MC is too! While I like me a good yandere it is a good look at a person whose obsessed with being obsessed over and how toxic that relationship can be, a very welcome moral that I rarely see! (plus I love the MCs pretty squiggly hair and how chaotic but also ethereal it makes them). I think both characters take the award for the most twisted characters I've come across in a VN and a lot of twists left me utterly speechless!

I adore the monochrome artstyle and how adding even a little color makes everything so much more impactful (and scary!!), it's very unique and eye catching!

I'm already into probably 3 hours of recording and this is one game that I'm happy to just keep playing, like I'm excited to see what happens in the next endings ! And also THANK YOU SO MUCH for the little easter egg about Ashton!!! I'm so very flattered!


Sorry for the late reply, I actually did see when you added my game into your to play collection and I was pretty excited for when it would come out! I'm so honored that this is one of your favorite games that you've played so far, and I'm happy that you enjoy all the details I put into it! It was totally worth looking for all of those SFX and Music, it took me a lot longer than I would have expected. 

Thank you, I wanted to have a different type of MC and I think that having more villainous or evil MCs are a bit lacking at least in more yandere like vns, so that's why Eris was created. 

Haha, I'm glad. The monochrome artstyle was actually partially because I was lazy since I didn't want to color everything and because it was easier for me to just do lineart rather than make everything look really pristine. 

I'm really happy you saw it!! I was a bit worried that you might not have been able to catch it since I was just going off what you usually put as a name in games, but I'm happy it payed off!!

It's very OK, I'd rather you reply when you have time! This was a phenomenal game and a lot of people in the comments think so too!

(3 edits)

I'M SPEECHLESS. I HAVE NO WORDS AT ALL. I have no words. I just--

the title of this novel perfectly captures the essence of how I feel after going through it. i don't want to sound weird, but I'm on some kind of constant search for THE ONE, IDEAL visual novel with a yandere theme. one that will make me FEEL THAT THING, feel love and attachment

many, many, if not all novels with this theme cannot satisfy my hunger. i want reciprocity, i want vivid affection, i want mutual dependence, i want the love that yandere can provide (not in reality, ok? it's unhealthy ! we are talking about virtual world and stories). i want my character to be someone else's world, BUT i want them to be my character's world too! for some reason everywhere this is never fully revealed, I don't see love or affection for some reason

you know, I get the feeling that no one can describe mutual dependence perfectly. nowhere have I seen such an attachment, mutual and acute, where everything is focused on the two of you

the two of you. just the two of you, your shared madness, bright and all-consuming. where you express this attachment with actions, not just a couple of insignificant thoughts or phrases in a dialog

I need it, twisted and unhealthy, so that I feel it in the story, so that it consumes me and I consume it in return

but I also want care, I want protection, I want to see it all bloom in the story before my eyes

and you know, I just said all that to say that your visual novel is the closest thing to MY perfection that I've ever seen. I devoured all the endings in a very quick time and got full for the first time in a long time. i'm still searching, but i know that even if i don't find something perfect (which is impossible, i guess) - i'll always have that place created by your hands, that most innermost and twisted thing that resonated inside of me

of course I don't approve and don't like of some of the endings, some were very sad, some were frightening, but there were some that just...satisfied my hunger for a while, I guess?

i don't mean to sound pompous and edgy in any way, it's just my preference for yandere stories.  <D we all have our preferences!

in addition to my silly monologue about my genre preferences, I would also like to say that I really liked the style of this game. the stylistic decision is very good, immersing in this atmosphere, and I really enjoyed looking at the sprites

thanks to everyone who participated in the development!
I also got a huge dose of inspiration for my novel I've been developing for some days now with a yandere theme, I have more energy to work on it! thank you so much

i want to say so much more but i feel awkward already so i think i'll finish here!

finishing - I just love, love, love this game. I adore Milo, I like MC, I like everything, the best thing in yandere genre for me. thank you

Oh! You're the creator of Magenta! I played your demo and it was really cool, I like the idea of it a lot! 

I kind of understand what you're talking about, an encompassing love on both side that ravishes and consumes each other over and over again. Like an oroboros, in a way. I like the idea of having something that's really twisted and wrong but at the same time something that you can't look away from. Not sure if that's completely what the same feeling is, but I am happy I was able to give you a close experience, even for a brief time. I'm glad you like the sprites too! The game is a bit messy on purpose, to allow for a more grungy like effect, while the tone is more for the darker atmosphere I was going for. 

Thank you so much for your praise! I really appreciate it and I hope to see more of your game as well!

I saw a fanart of Milo on tumblr and it was a funny because my first cat was named Milo, too. 

A coincidence like that made me played the game and I loved it, such an amazing story and Milo... HE IS SO CUTE.

I love him and I really liked your work. <3

Daww, that's a cute name for a cat. 

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like him. 

I only played a little bit of it so far, but I like it! Keep up the good work!

Thank you Lilith! I love your game's art style a lot too!

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm sorry if I am asking too much, but is it possible that we could play this on android phone in the future? This game is so good I want to be able to play it all the time.

edit: I finished all the endings. I love Milo so mush, I also love the MC

Hello! I will try to make an android version, but I haven't made anything like that before, so it may take me a while. I'm going to focus more on the update first before I try.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.


Truly, this is one of the best and most well-rounded visual novels I've ever played! Especially that of the dark romance genre. The fact that our MC is seemingly always one step ahead of everyone, whether in action or mentally, is a nice change from the typical meek and shy one, purely at the mercy of the unstable love interest, no matter us players' attempted interventions. The characters I feel are really well built, the way their stories are introduced and how that gives us the information needed to view them as actual people is outstanding. Please please pleeease, make a sequel or prequel of some kind for this, like maybe one that branches off the different endings we get and how our life is then. 

- an aspiring interactive fiction game dev 

Thank you so much!! One of my goals was to make a different type of MC since I really like the concept of a more evil main character, someone that is actually worse than the yandere himself. I'm glad that the characters are well built, most of them are actually from other worlds that I've created. 

This game is originally supposed to be a oneshot, but I would love to make another sequel or prequel for this game. I'm not sure what exactly I would do though since I haven't had a solid idea for it. 

Oh!! Good luck with making your own game! Please let me know when you've released it!! 


All in all, Ryan is the goat


It's true, and it's very fun throwing him under the bus. 

loved this game so much with its great art, amazing characters, and a great story. Also loving how the secret ending worked, i actually felt like i made a decision that would stick in my head so thank you C4Game for ruining my sleep schedule with this beautifully made game :]

Whoa! Thank you so much! I'm glad that the decisions felt very important. 

Nooo, don't ruin your sleep schedule!! Mine is already ruined but it shouldn't ruin yours!! 

this became my new comfort game tbh 

i love milo sm i think he's one of the best written yandere characters, compared to others such as john doe or even ayano aishi, milo actually has a personality and through the game it's easy to symphatize with him (idk if i wrote that correctly english isn't my first language, cheers from italy!!)

Oh?? Thank you so much!

I'm glad you like Milo so much. It does make me happy that you think he's a well written yandere! 

I love this game soooo much <3 (rip innocent milo). the atmosphere, ambiance and the story were so interesting! also : violent Milo>> smart Milo

Hahaha, I really need to make a Violent vs Smart Milo poll at some point. I'm really glad you liked the game though! 

This was SO EERIE wow amazing vn, Like usually i like yandere stuff but this gave me the CREEPS like i was almost uncomfortable which is hard to do, Also loved the soundtrack  Keep up the good work!

Thank you! The music was really a challenge considering that I took a really long time to look for the scary music that would fit, and I'm happy it shows! Thank you as well, I normally don't write more horror based games (I'm more used to writing comedy, actually) so I'm glad I was able to convey the horror aspect!

The MC's personality made them really insufferable (annoying?) to play as since I couldn't justify some of Eris’ actions or enjoy how they responded to things, sorry ;;

But I absolutely adore Milo with all my heart! I can tell you put a lot of love into this game and I had so much fun attempting to get all the endings! Keep up the great work!

That's understandable. I kind of figured that Eris would be a hit or miss with people as with a lot of villain main characters. Plus Eris is kind of supposed to just be a horrible person anyways. 

Thank you so much! I'm really happy that so many people like Milo so much. 


loved how dark this game got even though in my opinion some moments were just a little bit too over the top or edgy (tho i guess i shouldve expected that) but that didnt take away from the experience i loved this game a lot!!!!!

side note: look as much as i love milo (especially delinquent milo HOOO BOY DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON WHAT I WANT DELINQUENT MILO TO DO TO ME HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE) i think we can all agree that the real best boi of this story is not milo but DESMOND!!!! i dont care what anyone says desmond is the crowned prince of my heart!!!! his nasty temper but good heart, his short height and his long hair??? hehehehehe YES GIMME GIMME GIMME i have decided to open the desmond perfect love appreciation club i am the president of that club

u better make a game about desmond is all im saying. i would eat that up for sure!!!! (im joking of course but like... if u do i will be a very happy person :3)

Haha, yeah, while I was writing this and when people read it out loud I'm struck with the gaaah, edgy!! Over the top!! 

Lol delinquent Milo is getting a lot of love, I see. It's true Desmond is the best boy and I do think that he should get more love, haha. He's actually part of a comic series called First Impressions. He uh, is supposed to show up in the next chapter, but he ended up having his debut in this game instead, haha. 

I was actually am thinking about making a game involving the main characters of First Impressions. I was thinking of basically making a "prom episode" where you can see each of the main character's point of view, including Desmond! It'll come out like way in the future though, since I still want to make a couple more of the comic chapters before I end up making the game. But! I hope that it will be a fun game. 

I can't play it and now i'm sad how are y'all playin' it :(

Oh no! Why can't you play it?

it won't download, I just need a different device to get it:(

This game needs more attention, its truly amazing and i love it

(Granted i watched a friend stream it, but still very very amazing)
Oh and milo is adorable

Thank you so much! You had a friend stream it? That's so cool!

Wooow!! This VN is incredible >.< Loved the theme and the art. Thank you for your hardwork <3

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it so much!

Thank u for making such an unique and beautiful game <3


Daww, thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!



(1 edit) (+1)

!! Thank you!! I haven't decided on another game yet, but hopefully the update will be coming soon since I've finished the writing on it.

(1 edit) (+2)

Cool game, but man do I feel bad for Milo :(

Small update: After finishing both true endings it's gone from "cool game" to personal favourite, Milo still deserves a hug though. Poor guy. 


Milo deserves all the hugs, but I'm not gonna lie it is kind of fun to make him suffer. Sorry about that, haha.

eu amei esse jogo. o design dos personagens é incrível! gostei de todos os finais também, o milo é um amor... adorei ele. 

Obrigado! Estou a usar um tradutor para responder, por isso espero que não soe muito estranho. Ainda bem que também gostas dos desenhos das personagens.

Thank you! I'm using a translator to respond so I hope it doesn't sound too wonky. I'm glad you like the character designs as well.


I have an issue, might not matter all that much, but my text would overlap sometimes, and it would get hard to read it. Unsure if it's my computer, or just in general.

I had the same thing happen to me a few times, no idea what caused it though.

Hello, thank you for telling me! The issue seems like it's related to the font that I used for the dialogue, so I'm looking into getting a replacement font for the update. Hopefully after that, it won't occur anymore.


ohh haha i thought it was intentional!


I even achived the "secret ending" omg this is a masterpiece, trully one of the best VNs ever

Thank you!! I hope you enjoyed it!

Do you have icons of Milo and Eris together or seperated?? They are absolutely adorable ><


No, but I can make them! Just give me a bit and remind me after I finish the update.

This was wonderful! It's so well written and entertaining, and I stayed up too late getting all the endings. 

I loved how dark and clever Eris was in creating her perfect love, and I truly enjoyed seeing Milo molded into so many different forms.

What a wild ride! Thank you for creating this!

Whoa, don't stay up too late! Thank you so much though! I'm happy I was able to make each form memorable for you!

FIVE STARS VN!!! I absolutely adore this game. The MC is an absolute monster, which was really refreshing for a visual novel! I loooooved the writing for every single ending, and I can't wait to get to the true ending! The artwork, the sfx, everything was on point!!! Absolutely loved Milo's character (in all the different versions, which, were really creative btw.) Keep up the good work <3

Thank you for the praise! I'm really happy so many people like my game!

(1 edit)



Only if someone translates it for me.

poor milo. love this game!! really well written 


Oh, I know. I feel kind of bad too, but Milo was made to suffer. Thank you!


just wanted to write a quick comment saying i absolutely adored the game (seriously, i’m absolutely obsessed with everything about it) and asking if you’d be okay with me writing fanfiction of it! it’d all be sfw, of course (don’t want to be that person l3wding a game that wasn’t l3wd in the first place), and i’d credit properly and link back to the game page.


Thank you! And of course! I'd love to read it.

Though this game doesn't have any NSFW, I won't and can't really stop people from writing any if you really really want it. I personally don't mind.

I got 2 endings and i'm going to get the rest as soon as I can 10/10

Wow! Thank you! It was fun watching your previous video as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is truly fantastic. I need a sequel! 
And the quote-on-quote perfect ending is the cherry on the top. Brings me a sense of Monika...fourth-wall-breaks...a little bit heartbroken from the sense of Milo trying his best for me..All the endings are so well written and diverse in its own way. Thank you for giving us this wonderful creation ^^

Haha, maybe! I'm not sure yet since I don't have a good solid idea of what kind of game I want to make yet. 

Thank you so much!

He instalado varias veces el juego pero no corre y me dice que no es compatible, ¿alguien sabe con qué versiones de Windows es compatible <:)?

I have installed the game several times but it doesn't run and it tells me that it is not compatible, does anyone know what versions of Windows it is compatible with <:)?

That seems really weird? I currently have Windows 10, so I'm not sure it'll work on Windows 11.


Thank you!!

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